At Incarnation, children and youth are integral members of the Body of Christ.
They are fellow participants in coming to the Word and the Table. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16)
While our children worship together with us during our opening songs and then later during the Communion, we have a special time of children’s ministry for our younger children during the middle portion of our service.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (3–10 years old)
In our children’s ministry, we use an approach called Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS). We meet in a specially prepared space called the Atrium, where adults and children alike come together to encounter God and to fall in love with the Good Shepherd. We seek to plant the seeds of prayer, contemplation, and relationship with Jesus that will continue to grow throughout the rest of their lives. The CGS curriculum is also designed to invite children into greater participation in the life and liturgy of the church.
We listen to God through multi-sensory Scripture presentations, contemplative work, hands-on materials, art responses, and times of prayer. The curriculum is rooted in Scripture and engages a child’s natural sense of wonder to facilitate their growing relationship with God. To learn more about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, you might start here!
Junior & Senior High
Children ages 11+ worship with the rest of the Incarnation family in the auditorium, and they assist with roles within the service, such as reading and serving Communion. At age 13, children can be confirmed by the bishop for further service and ministry within the life of the church.
Our junior and senior high youth participate in retreats with youth from the Anglican Diocese in New England.
Children’s Safety
We are dedicated to doing everything we can to keep our children safe. Our volunteers work in pairs and practice safe classroom protocol as well as undergo a background check and training.